Intelligent Document Processing

Document Processing Revolution: Trends & Insights

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Document Processing Revolution: Trends & Insights

Studies reveal that using document management systems can bring a staggering 404% return on investment in just five years.  This article will take you on a journey through the game-changing trends, from IDP to data security and beyond, to equip you with insights into the future.

What is Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)?

Intelligent Document Processing is a broad-based technology that allows for all kinds of content intake for a structured output. This enables companies to automate the processing of any and all office-related data, such as emails, customer onboarding, processing insurance claims, sales conversions, and pipelines - just about anything. 

By integrating intelligent document processing, large organizations and businesses can automate multiple processes that involve sifting through unstructured data. For example, human resources can use it to sort candidate information and resumes and sit back and relax to focus on more strategic planning for their organization. 

This enables companies that have adapted AI processing of documentation to leave the initial reading and categorization of all types of documents to a mechanism that does not need manpower, leaving the employees free to focus on other important aspects, such as how to implement the extraction data in a more productive way. Clearly, this will drastically reduce document intake time and improve accuracy and efficacy.

One of the sectors that has been increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate data extraction from documents is insurance. From improving efficiency and reducing errors to improving customer satisfaction, many insurance companies have been benefiting from intelligent document processing. Companies like Allstate and MetLife, for instance, have been using intelligent document processing (IDP) for extracting data from claims and policy documents.

However, the power of IDP is not relegated to the above industries alone. From the banking sector to the food industry, automated data collection has been enhancing performance and efficiency, reducing man hours spent doing tedious jobs, and, as a result, resulting in happy workforces as well as satisfied customers in companies. Here’s the how and why of it, elaborated:

The Power of Intelligent Document Processing

In a typical pre-AI scenario, document processing meant a lot of manpower and man hours of sorting, categorizing, and extracting data from various documents. It is prone to manual errors and time-consuming but Intelligent Document Processing has flipped the script. 

Imagine working in the sales head office of a global conglomerate and the number of receipts and vouchers it generates every day. But technology can now automate tasks like recognizing and comprehending documents in different formats and extracting valuable data, such as invoices and receipts, swiftly and accurately. This further translates to faster document processing, smarter resource allocation, and quicker decision-making. Hence, it can be safely said that intelligent document processing ensures data accuracy and reduces the risk of errors.

Intelligent document processing solutions, like Docsumo, rapidly extract data from various documents, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This not only saves time but also minimizes errors. Undoubtedly, intelligent document processing is the future of document processing, promising unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, and automation. What’s more, they also offer seamless integration with automation and AI Integration:

AI-Powered Document Processing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables businesses to streamline complex document-related tasks with unprecedented precision. AI-driven tools can recognize patterns, identify vital information, and even understand context within documents. Now, in sectors like banking, where customer onboarding and their success journey are of constant value and the customer is forever demanding speed and accuracy, the importance of fast, accurate data processing to the last decimal is of primary importance. 

Intelligent Document Processing excels at document classification and accurately identifies and extracts important data. This reduces the need for manual intervention, freeing up employees for strategic tasks like connecting with existing customers, acquiring new customers, and so on. Machine learning allows AI to adapt and improve over time, making it versatile and flexible for various industries. As AI in document processing evolves, it will transform how organizations handle their data.

Efficiency with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another crucial element in document processing. When combined with AI, RPA supercharges efficiency. RPA employs software to mimic human actions, automating repetitive tasks like opening and reviewing emails, extracting attached documents, and validating data. 

RPA is slowly coming to mean the death of mundane and repetitive jobs. Website scraping is one such job, as is setting up systems. And no one can appreciate RPA more than those working in the order processing departments of eComm giants. 

Every IT person will know the value of RPA processes and how much time it frees for them to connect in better and more meaningful ways with customers. These technologies work 24/7, ensuring consistent and speedy document processing. This synergy empowers organizations to thrive in the digital age by enhancing processing cycles, ensuring regulatory compliance, and optimizing resource allocation.

Enhancing data security in the digital age

Data privacy

In today's data-driven world, data privacy is paramount. But when huge organizations digitize their documents, they also leave themselves open to hackers and data stealers. Hence, safeguarding sensitive information becomes the top priority. Breaches in data security can potentially lead to financial losses, loss of customer trust, and legal consequences. Selecting a document processing tool that prioritizes data privacy is crucial. Encryption protocols, access controls, and user authentication methods protect sensitive data, ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.

Blockchain technology

A potent tool for data security in document processing. Its decentralized nature makes documents virtually tamper-proof. Blockchain ensures an indisputable record of document history and interactions, ideal for businesses needing data integrity. It safeguards intellectual property and prevents document forgery or unauthorized changes. By leveraging blockchain, organizations can rely on data sourced from various documents.


Adhering to data protection regulations is essential. Organizations must respect individuals' rights, handle data responsibly, and establish mechanisms for document deletion. Prioritizing compliance builds trust with customers and partners. Compliance is not just a legal requirement; it showcases dedication to responsible data handling.

Leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning

NLP advancements

NLP is revolutionizing document processing by understanding nuances in human language. It interprets entire documents, identifies relationships between information, and gauges sentiment. This goes beyond data extraction, providing data-driven insights and enhancing decision-making.

Machine Learning algorithms

Machine learning improves document classification and data extraction by learning from large datasets. It analyzes and categorizes documents based on content, even when dealing with unstructured data. This minimizes manual data entry, reduces errors, and ensures document processing systems stay up-to-date with changing formats.


NLP and ML can personalize document processing systems. They analyze user interactions, learn from behaviors, and tailor experiences. This enhances efficiency and user engagement, improving productivity.

Cloud-based solutions and enhanced accessibility

Cloud-centric processing

Cloud-based solutions transform document management. They reduce capital expenditure, enhance flexibility, and offer scalability. This agility allows organizations to adapt quickly to changing demands.

Unmatched scalability

Cloud-based solutions simplify scaling operations, handling seasonal peaks, surges, and growth efficiently. This agility ensures document processing evolves with your organization's changing needs.

Improved remote accessibility

Cloud solutions facilitate remote access, enabling global collaboration. Teams access documents from different time zones, ensuring timely task completion and enhancing data security.

Accessing predictive analytics and insights

Data analysis

Document data empowers predictive analytics, driving informed decisions, improving efficiency, and providing a competitive edge. Analyzing data from documents offers insights into customer preferences, market trends, and more.

Business intelligence

Document insights guide decision-makers in optimizing processes, enhancing customer experiences, and adapting to market conditions.

Industry-specific applications

Predictive analytics has versatile applications. In healthcare, it aids in disease outbreak response. E-commerce thrives on personalized experiences, enabled by document data.

Use cases and practical applications

Financial sector

  • Streamline complex financial tasks
  • Improves accuracy and reduces processing times
  • Ensures regulatory compliance

Healthcare providers

  • Extracts patient data from medical records
  • Facilitates quicker diagnoses and personalized treatment plans
  • Improves patient outcomes and reduces costs


  • Optimizes supply chain management
  • Anticipates equipment maintenance
  • Increases efficiency and cost savings


  • Personalizes customer communication
  • Enhances conversion rates and customer retention
  • Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Legal industry

  • Extract key terms, clauses, and relevant information from contracts and legal documents
  • Make contract review and analysis faster and more efficient. 
  • Reduce the time spent on manual contract review by up to 75%

Human resources

  • Process resumes, applications, and employee records
  • Streamline the extraction of candidate information
  • Achieve over 60% reduction in manual data entry

The other side of going all digital

Data Bias: Addressing bias in algorithms is a challenge. Diverse and precise training datasets are essential to ensure impartial data processing.
Ethical Implications:
Automation and AI may raise privacy concerns and data security issues. Transparency, accountability, and consent are crucial.
Regulatory Challenges:
Document processing is subject to complex legal and regulatory frameworks. Proactive data governance and compliance are vital.

Overall, the future of document processing is bright, driven by intelligent document processing, AI, data security, and enhanced accessibility. Embracing these trends will revolutionize your document management, empower data-driven insights, enhance efficiency and ensure a competitive edge. 

The scope of intelligent document processing is as vast as the universe. It's up to organizations to dive deep into their depths and come up with customized, optimized solutions that best suit their needs. Businesses that improve efficiency and increase accuracy will stand to win in the future, where speed and zero error equal customer's trust and satisfaction. This in turn means trust in the brand, its products, and an increase in brand worth. 

Companies can maximize profitability by saving on the costs of data entry, validation, and manpower, incurring low labor costs. Thus, proper documentation leads to better compliance, which in turn facilitates growth, safety and security, the avoidance of legal and financial penalties, and a manifold surge in the brand's reputation, revenues, and desired outcomes. Can this not give businesses a competitive edge in today's world? And all this by just enabling faster and more accurate data processing? Think about it.

Suggested Case Study
Automating Portfolio Management for Westland Real Estate Group
The portfolio includes 14,000 units across all divisions across Los Angeles County, Orange County, and Inland Empire.
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Pankaj Tripathi
Written by
Pankaj Tripathi

Helping enterprises capture data for analytics and decisioning

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