Fast. Easy. Accurate.

Digitize CRE Underwriting & Servicing Fast. Easy. Accurate.

No credit card required
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Become 10X efficient at financial spreading, income verification & insurance compliance.
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Automate your process end-to-end with APIs to classify documents, identify key points, and validate data
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Get one-stop-shop Document AI platform with machine leaning capability for all your docs
CRE Underwriting Header
The Best Document AI solution with pre-trained APIs for CRE lenders
"Amongst others, the biggest advantage of partnering with Docsumo is the data capture accuracy they’re able to deliver. We’re witnessing a 95%+ STP rate, that means we don’t even have to look at risk assessment documents 95 out of 100 times, and the extracted data is directly pushed into the database."”
Howard Leiner
CTO, Arbor Realty Trust
Howard Leiner
Commercial Real Estate Underwriting

Multifamily & retail underwriting is complex. Simplify it with Docsumo.

Manually extracting data from unstructured documents like rent rolls and income statements can be overwhelming and error-prone.
Instead, use Docsumo to scan PDFs, images, and excel faster, and minimize errors to make informed underwriting decisions.
Functions and Options to Simplify USA CRE Lending
CRE data extraction

Get key metrics
in <60 seconds

Get net operating income, total area, occupancy percent & other metrics and verify the accuracy of data such as tenant information, lease start and end dates for faster decisions.
Extract data and key metrics from CRE documents

5 Reasons to get the Docsumo Advantage Now!

Reduce turnaround time for document processing from days and months to seconds
Increase efficiency by 10X even as you process 10k+ documents a month
99% plus
Reduce manual and repetitive errors with intelligent automation and get accurate data from documents
Smart AI
Algorithms that self-learn based on new document formats and on the go or from manual corrections
Make rapid decisions with easy validation and granular analytics
CRE Insurance Compliance Automation

Go beyond templatized OCR to get 100+ data points from insurance certificates

Template-based OCR cannot read data from unstructured emails and other submision documents such as Endorsements.
That's why Docsumo helps you get comprehensive data hidden in ACORD forms, policies, quotes, applications to boost transparency and compliance.
Extract and export document fields to Excel
Commercial Real Estate Asset Management

Financial spreading for your loan portfolio got
a whole lot easier

With Docsumo, you can categorize line items, calculate ratios, validate totals in financial statements. Our spreadsheet like interface, helps your asset management team streamline the process without much effort.
Match and Validate data between CRE Documents
Commercial Real Estate lending case study

Arbor Realty Trust achieves 95%+ touchless processing of ACORD and flood certificates

The Situation
New York-based Arbor Realty Trust had to process ACORD 25, ACORD 28 and flood certificates. It took them 30 mins to process a document. Even with this, manual error rate was ~20%.
Docsumo’s pre-trained APIs helped ingest the forms easily. Our proprietary NLP-based classification framework categorized key value pairs and line items before integrating with their existing systems.
Arbor Case Study
processing of unstructured data
touchless processing using smart validation rules
accuracy due to comprehensive automation
Ready to transform your supply chain data processing?
Let's talk.
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Docsumo's intelligent document processing enables you to extract data easily, efficiently, and accurately.
Fill up the form to speak with an automation expert.
G2 & Capterra Ratings for Docsumo